LeadingAge NY to Meet with DOH on TNA to CNA Transition
One of the federal 1135 waivers issued in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency allowed for the hiring of individuals to function as temporary nurse aides (TNAs) in nursing homes and continue without certification in those positions beyond the four months allowed by regulation. That waiver ended in June, and providers were allowed four months to have TNAs tested and approved as certified nurse aides (CNAs). A transition program was developed by the New York State Department of Health (DOH) with the input of LeadingAge NY and other associations. The deadline for certification of TNAs is early October.
As members have moved along in transitioning individuals, some members have experienced problems in scheduling and testing due to the unavailability of Prometric staff or the lack of accessible testing sites.
On Thurs., Aug. 18th, LeadingAge NY will be meeting with DOH staff, as well as representatives of Prometric. We have heard from some members already about the problems encountered but would urge those who have not yet contacted us to share any difficulties they may be experiencing so we can bring those issues to the attention of DOH and Prometric.
Contact: Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-441-8761