LeadingAge NY Provides DOH with Specific Actionable Recommendations Regarding COVID-19 Data Collection
LeadingAge NY has consistently advocated for a significant reduction in the frequency and length of the daily COVID-19 adult care facility (ACF) and nursing home Health Emergency Response Data System (HERDS) report. Based upon a careful review of the HERDS survey tool for relevance, redundancy, and usability, and consideration of the nursing home data reported through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), LeadingAge NY recommends an alternative approach to the Department of Health's (DOH) data gathering, outlined in this letter sent to DOH Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett.
LeadingAge NY provides specific, actionable recommendations that focus on the critical data points regarding COVID-19 positives, deaths, vaccination status, and workforce needs. In addition, we offer a detailed analysis of the survey tool, highlighting the areas in which the questions are obsolete, irrelevant, or unclear. We will continue to push for changes in this data collection to reflect where we are in the pandemic and take into account the workforce and resource challenges our members are facing.
Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828