Home Health and Hospice 1135 Blanket Waiver Charts Available for Providers
LeadingAge National has developed 1135 waiver status charts for home health and hospice providers. Waived provisions that offered flexibility during the pandemic have several different statuses: either they are expired, continue to be active during the federal public health emergency (PHE), will expire a specified number of days after the federal PHE, or have been codified in federal statute or regulation.
Members should review the charts linked below and additional state guidance documents linked here and here that further clarify the State's position on certain home care flexibilities such as in-service requirements, health assessments for staff, and new federally codified provisions that allow physician assistants and nurse practitioners to also order home care.
The federal PHE was slated to expire in July, provided the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced its conclusion 60 days prior to July 1st. However, that did not happen. LeadingAge NY surmises that the federal PHE may carry forth over the summer and could possibly end in the fall. We will be sure to provide members with more information as these details unfold.
Home Health 1135 Blanket Waiver Status Chart
Hospice 1135 Blanket Waiver Status Chart
Please note that certain provisions relating to Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (ITM) for inpatient hospices under the Physical Environment Conditions of Participation for hospices expired on June 6, 2022.
Contact: Meg Everett, meverett@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8871