Commissioner's Designation Keeps HERO Act in Effect
Members may recall that on Sept. 6th, Governor Hochul announced the designation of COVID-19 as a highly contagious communicable disease that presents a serious risk of harm to the public health under New York State’s HERO Act, triggering implementation of certain requirements of the law. The HERO Act covers all non-governmental industries across New York and worksites, with the exception of any employee or employer within the coverage of a temporary or permanent Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard on COVID-19 or airborne infectious diseases generally. On Sept. 30th, the Commissioner of Health extended the declaration that triggers this requirement through Oct. 31st.
In addition, members are reminded that all employers with 10 or more employees must permit workers to establish and administer a joint labor-management workplace safety committee by Nov. 1st. This requirement applies regardless of whether the employer is held to the OSHA standard. Click here for more information.
Contact: Diane Darbyshire,, 518-867-8828