Aug. 2nd COVID-19 Update
New updates pertaining to the COVID-19 emergency continue to be announced by both the state and federal government on a regular basis. The latest developments for providers of long-term/post-acute care (LTPAC) and senior services are outlined below.
As a reminder, LeadingAge NY continues to convene weekly webinars on Mondays at 11 a.m. to address emerging questions on COVID-19. A recording of our most recent webinar, held on Aug. 1st, is available here, and a list of the items shared by LeadingAge NY staff in the webinar chat can be accessed here. If you have questions for next week’s update or would like the access information, please contact Jeff Diamond.
Cross-Sector Updates
New York State Launches Hotline for Affordable COVID-19 Treatment
Governor Hochul has announced the launch of a new hotline service for those who test positive for COVID-19 but do not have a health care provider. New York State residents, regardless of income or health insurance coverage, can connect with a qualified medical provider by calling 888-TREAT-NY (212-COVID-19 in New York City) or by completing an online form. Click here for more information.
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Updates
DOH Issues Updated Guidance for Home Care and Hospice Agencies Regarding COVID-19 Screening
On Aug. 2nd, the Department of Health (DOH) issued Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) DHCBS 22-13, which supersedes guidance dated March 22, 2020 (DHCBS DAL: 20-08 Updated) and modifies the twice-daily screening requirements for home care and hospice personnel upon arriving at work to screening only once a day. Agencies should continue to have policies in place, which are outlined in the DAL, regarding monitoring, reporting, and follow-up for anyone exhibiting symptoms. Agencies are also reminded that personnel are required to use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks.
Affordable Housing/Independent Living Updates
Updated Treasury Guidance Makes It Easier to Use ARPA Funds in LIHTC Housing
The U.S. Treasury has issued updated guidance that will make it easier to assist Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects and other affordable housing developments in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic using State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). Click here for more information.