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LeadingAge NY Updates

LeadingAge NY Updates

July 14th COVID-19 Update

Latest updates for providers of LTPAC and senior services.

July 14, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

DOH Issues Long-Awaited Visitation Guidance for ACFs, SNFs, and Pediatric SNFs

Limited visitation can only begin after multiple conditions are met and plans are submitted.

July 14, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

HHS/UnitedHealth Webinar Offers Insights on Applying for Medicaid Provider Relief Funding

Applications are due July 20th.

July 14, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

July 7th COVID-19 Update

Latest updates for providers of LTPAC and senior services.

July 7, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

DOH Report Attributes COVID-19 Spread in Nursing Homes to Asymptomatic Staff

DOH released an analysis of nursing home data on July 6th that concludes that COVID-19 was more likely to have been introduced into nursing homes by asymptomatic employees than by infected patients admitted from hospitals. The report disputes the claim that the Department’s March 25th directive prohibiting nursing homes from denying admission solely on the basis of COVID-19 infection was to blame for the transmission of the virus in facilities.

July 6, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

June 30th COVID-19 Update

Latest updates for providers of LTPAC and senior services.

June 30, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

State Expands COVID-19 Paid Leave Benefits for Health Care Employees with Repeat Quarantines

DOH and DOL have issued guidance to expand the paid sick leave available to health care employees who complete a period of quarantine or isolation and continue to test positive for COVID-19.

June 30, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

Governor Announces Quarantine Requirements for People Entering New York State

On June 24th, Governor Cuomo issued an Executive Order requiring all individuals traveling from states with “significant community-wide spread” of COVID-19 to quarantine for a 14-day period. There are exceptions for essential workers.

June 30, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

June 23rd COVID-19 Update

Latest updates for providers of LTPAC and senior services.

June 23, 2020

LeadingAge NY Updates

TOMORROW at 10 A.M.: DOH to Host Webinar Regarding Weekly Nursing Home and ACF Staff Testing Survey

Members may register for the webinar here and submit their questions to covidadultcareinfo@health.ny.gov or covidnursinghomeinfo@health.ny.gov.

June 23, 2020
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