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Staffing Data Submission

While currently optional for nursing home providers, the submission of staffing data will be required of all nursing homes through the Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) beginning in July 2016. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is encouraging nursing homes to participate voluntarily in the pilot project to prepare for this new requirement. Interested providers should take the following steps:

Step 1: Obtain a CMSNet User ID for PBJ Individual, Corporate and Third Party users, if you don’t already have one for other QIES applications at: https://www.qtso.com/cmsnet.html. (Many users may already have this access for MDS submission.)

Step 2: Obtain a PBJ QIES Provider ID for CASPER Reporting and PBJ system access: https://mds.qiesnet.org/mds_home.html

Training: PBJ Training Modules for an introduction to the PBJ system and step by step registration instruction are available on QTSO e-University, select the PBJ option https://www.qtso.com/webex/qiesclasses.php. More information is available on the PBJ website here.  

For those members already involved in the pilot, we would like to hear from them as to how the submission process is working.

Contact:  Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832.