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Staff Turnover in Nursing Homes

The retention rate for RNs, LPNs and aides in a typical nursing home in New York state stood at 82 percent based on LeadingAge NY analysis of 2011 cost report data.  This was a slight improvement over last year's rate.  New York City led the state with a median retention rate of 91 percent while the Rochester region and the Capital District were at 73 percent.  New York City homes reported a median retention rate of 94 percent for aides, while the rate in the Buffalo region was 70 percent.  Retention rates were calculated for each home by dividing the number of nurses who were employed for the duration of the year by the number of nurses employed at the end of the year. 

We measured nursing staff turnover by dividing the number of separations during the year by the total number employed.  Statewide median turnover was 27 percent.  The rate was highest for RNs (30 percent) while the rate for both LPNs and aides was right around 25.5. Median turnover rates were similar in voluntary and proprietary homes (27 percent).  The rate for public homes was 23.4 percent.  

Click here to go to the data page where the turnover and retention data is posted.  The file allows you to graph your home's data to regional benchmarks and indicates how rates have changed from the previous year.

Contact:  Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841