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Social Work Month

The month of March, that just ended, has historically been designated as Social Work Month.

The White House officially recognized March as National Professional Social Work Month, beginning in 1984. The designation of Social Work Month recognizes the role of professional social workers to assist individuals, groups, or communities to restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning, while creating societal conditions favorable to their goals. The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior, of social, economic and cultural institutions, and of the interaction of all these factors.

This year we asked our long-term care social workers to share with us what they have heard from their residents, the residents' families, and their co-workers that energize them to continue to do the vital work that they do. Hearing these statements from those we care for, and work with, is a powerful thing and provides the kind of recognition that is so important and valuable in any work setting. 

The following were some of the comments about Why my Social Worker is Important to Me!

1.       My social worker helped me like living here by being nice and spending time talking with me alone.

2.       My social worker helped me with all of the services I needed to be safe.

3.       She's always in  a good mood which makes me happy too.

4.       I'm able to keep in touch with my family because the social worker helps me write letters to them.

5.      The social worker helped me find a purpose to living (even if it has to be in a nursing home).

6.       She keeps my family informed about my health.

7.       My social worker always makes me feel safe.

8.       The social worker helped me decorate my room; now people know about me and what I used to do. I feel good!

9.       My mother is not able to tell me what is going on, but I never worry because the social worker always knows the latest.

10.     I used to think a resident was mean, but the social worker helped me understand why she acted the way she did. Now           the resident and I are close.

Thank you to all social workers for the tremendous work that you do.

Contact:  Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832