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Schedule II-V Medications for Nursing Home Residents

ABSTRACT:  AAHSA seeks member input on prescribing practices.

The Quality Care Coalition for Patients in Pain (QCCPP), of which AAHSA is a member, is seeking data on the effect of recent enforcement efforts by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regarding prescriptions for pain medication and other Schedule II-V medications.  QCCPP is asking nursing facilities to complete a short survey on the subject.  The results of the survey will be used in the coalition’s advocacy efforts.  The survey is available at:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=DZ5BCl3RpJ_2bFZ6O11VGoEw_3d_3d

An issue brief on the topic is attached.

N:\NYAHSA\Policy\efrost\News Flash QCCPP survey.doc

Schedule II-V Medications for Nursing Home Residents

Issue Brief
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Schedule II-V Medications for Nursing Home Residents

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