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Reminder: Get Your Password!

For ePOC, HCS Coordinators for each facility must update the role information for Administrator, Director of Nursing, Operator and EPOC Editor and these must be kept current, including the proper email address associated with the person in these roles. For more information, please see DAL: NH-DAL-13-03 - Electronic Plan of Correction (ePOC) here.

For I-STOP, all prescribing physicians must have an HCS account in order to access the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Registry, which will be in effect Aug. 27. Physicians may designate persons to complete the registry checks but the physician must have his/her own account. Additional staff have been added by DOH to address the backlog of requests for accounts.

More information is available here.

Contact: Susan Bartholomew, sbartholomew@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8850