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Payroll Based Journal Drawing Closer

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a reminder to nursing homes about the steps they should be taking to prepare for submitting staffing data electronically through the Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ). Although the deadline for the first submission is not until Nov. 2016, homes are encouraged to complete the required registrations and to submit test data to ensure everything is in place to maintain compliance.  

Registration is a two step process: 

  • Step 1: Obtain a CMSNet User ID for PBJ Individual, Corporate and Third Party users here if you don’t already have one for other QIES applications (many users may already have this access for MDS submission)
  • Step 2: Obtain a PBJ QIES Provider ID for CASPER Reporting and PBJ system access here ("Step 2")

PBJ Training Modules for an introduction to the PBJ system and step by step registration instruction are available on QTSO e-University accessible here.

While registration is an important step, homes should also ensure that their staff time tracking systems are configured to capture and facilitate the required reporting. Now is also the time to have PBJ discussions with your payroll vendors. General information as well as the PBJ Manual is available here and those wishing to learn more should sign up for the LeadingAge PBJ listserv here.    

Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841