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DOH Nursing Home Profile - Extreme Makeover

The Nursing Home Profile page on the Department of Health (DOH) website has been updated with changes made both to the appearance and content of the site.  One feature of the newly designed site allows an individual to compare several nursing homes at once as to their performance in the CMS Quality Measures.  It rates providers in the Quality Measures as either High, Average, or Poor and allows the user to determine how a particular nursing home ranks in a specific measure against all other nursing homes within the State.  The site also offers the ability to search by particular service (i.e. outpatient services, transfusion services) with the number of options expanded over what had previously been available.  Survey and complaint information continues to be available and the user may access the Statement of Deficiencies as before.

Please note that although the updated DOH Profile page offers one-to-one comparisons of nursing home performance, LeadingAge New York Nursing Home Quality Metrics offers a much more robust and interactive way to benchmark yourself against your peers, the State and all nursing homes in the country.  Click here to learn more about the suite of free Quality Metrics data tools available to LeadingAge NY members.

Contact:  Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832