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November is the Latest Date to Submit PBJ Data

While the final deadline for the initial submission of nursing home staffing data is Nov. 14th, there is no need to wait until then. Nursing homes can report Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) mandated data quarterly, monthly, weekly, or even daily if they so choose. Data covering July through September of 2016 must be submitted no later than Nov. 14th, but going through the submission process earlier will help identify any potential problems and provide peace of mind that systems are working.

The CMS PBJ page can be accessed here. The Policy Manual that details what data needs to be collected and reported is available here. The Provider User Guide v2.1.0 that provides technical submission specifications is here. The user guide was updated in mid-September to reflect some minor updates made to the reporting system. These updates include the following:

  • The Facilities two digit state code has been added to the header of all PBJ reports to assist third-party and corporate users. See the CASPER Reporting User’s Guide for PBJ Providers for updates to the 1700D Employee Report, 1701D Census Report, 1702D Individual Daily Staffing Report, and the 1702S Staffing Summary Report.
  • The PBJ Final File Validation report and PBJ Submitter Final File Validation report have changed the status of a rejected filed from ‘Rejected’ to ‘Entire XML File Rejected’ for clarification. See the CASPER Reporting User’s Guide for PBJ Providers for updates to the PBJ Submitter Final File Validation Report. See section 9 of the PBJ Provider User’s Guide for updates to the PBJ Final File Validation report.
  • The PBJ Final File Validation will now show the process type used to submit the staffing and census sections of the XML. It’s important to remember that a process type will replace all census and staffing data that has been entered manually or submitted through the XML process with what is in the current XML file being submitted for the quarter specified. See section 9 of the PBJ Provider User’s Guide for updates to the PBJ Final File Validation report.
  • Additional Hire/Termination/Rehire directions have been added for clarification. See section 8 of the PBJ Provider User’s Guide for updates to the Hire/Term/Rehire directions.

LeadingAge NY will sponsor an educational session to address PBJ questions and issues members may have as the deadline approaches. If you have questions that you'd like addressed and would like to submit them in advance, please email them to me.    

Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841