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Nov. 14th is the Final PBJ Deadline

All the PBJ puns have been used-all that's left now is for nursing homes to make sure that the data they gather and submit are accurate and in compliance with the Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) requirements. Those who may not have submitted complete staffing data for the July through Sept. 2016 timeframe have until Nov. 14, 2016 to do so.

Members who may have questions or just want to make sure that they avoid potential pitfalls should plan on attending LeadingAge NY's audio conference on Nov. 4th from 10:30-11:30 a.m. The session, entitled "Ensure Your Facility’s Readiness for PBJ" will help you do just that. To register or learn more about the session, click here. 

Both the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and New York State continue to focus on various quality measures, and staffing data is often a key component. PBJ reporting provides regulators with a new level of detail that is likely to be the basis of quality measures and/or initiatives in the future. Homes should spend the required time and effort to make sure that their systems are capturing and accurately reporting all the necessary data.

While CMS has signaled that they may initially be lenient with providers that file and don't quite get it right, they are likely to take a less flexible approach with homes that fail to file.

The CMS PBJ page with links to provider manuals, Frequently Asked Questions, training materials, and submission system registration information can be accessed here. The LeadingAge National PBJ listserv continues to host a lively discussion (log into your My.LeadingAge account and select "Profile" to join).

Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841