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National Partnership Call and New Antipsychotic Use Reports

The National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care and QAPI MLN Connects National Provider Call is scheduled for Thurs., Sept. 15th from 1:30 to 3 pm. 

This call will focus on effective care transitions between long term care and acute setting, highlighting transitions that involve residents with dementia, as these individuals often have heightened reactions during these transitions.

Registration for the call is required.

In addition, we have provided data reports outlining the progress made on the reduction of antipsychotic medication in nursing homes by state and by individual facility. The data shows a decrease nationally of 30% in the use of antipsychotics since Q4 2011, which would meet the goal set by the Partnership for 2016.

Contact: Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832