Is There a Place for Mom?
In response to member concerns shared at our March 14th Nursing Facility Cabinet meeting regarding lack of housing at discharge adversely affecting Five-Star performance, LeadingAge NY analyzed data to identify regional trends in successful discharge. The analysis uses the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) short-stay, claims-based measure “Rate of Successful Return to Home and Community From a SNF” as reported on Nursing Home Compare (NHC) and used in the calculation of the quality measure domain of the Five-Star Quality Rating System.
This graph represents New York regional performance on this measure. This is a positive measure, which means a higher rate is better. The four New York State regions represented are Western New York (light blue), Central New York (orange), Northeastern New York (yellow), and Metropolitan Area Regional Office (MARO) (gray). The other two peer groups, New York (green) and National (dark blue), provide benchmarks for relative performance. The vertical axis is the measure, and the horizontal axis is the rate. National represents the best performance with a successful discharge rate of 53.9 percent. MARO is underperforming all peer groups with a successful discharge rate of 50.1 percent, a 7.3 percent difference compared to National, underscoring MARO’s concerns that the lack of safe, affordable, and local housing for residents to return to at discharge may be a factor influencing performance on the measure and ultimately their Five-Star rating.
This analysis represents a method of how informative data can be used to lend credibility to our advocacy efforts.
Contact: Susan Chenail,, 518-867-8383 ext. 116