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Hurricane Sandy - Federal Disaster Relief Funding

Last week, LeadingAge NY hosted a free teleconference for our members impacted by Hurricane Sandy on the basics of navigating the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding process.  Combined with Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, Federal emergency funding is available to assist non-profit providers with repairs, re-construction and to cover the cost of extraordinary operational expenses resulting from the storm.  FEMA experts from Florida firm of Disaster Strategies and Ideas Group, LLC provided their expertise and FEMA reference materials.  For more details, materials and to listen to an encore presentation, please click here

In addition, DOH hosted a series of calls for different provider groups on applying for FEMA public assistance and SBA Disaster Loans last week.  Please click here for more details from DOH.

Important deadlines for filing for disaster funds

NYS Health Commissioner, Dr. Nirav Shah, introduced each of the recent DOH FEMA and SBA disaster funding calls noted above.  In his comments, Dr. Shah praised the “incredible scope of response … like no other” on the part of health care providers in the disaster area.  This scope of response was likely responsible for saving many lives.  This sentiment was echoed by other DOH and Federal officials on the call.

Please note the following important deadlines announced during the DOH calls:

- Dec. 2, 2012 is the current deadline for submitting a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) to FEMA for federal disaster relief funding (there is a possibility that this deadline will be extended); and

- Dec. 31, 2012 is the deadline for submitting for a low interest recovery loan from the SBA.

Depending on the nature of damages (i.e., one of 8 categories of eligibility) and whether the private non-profit (PNP) is considered “critical” or “non-critical but essential” the applicant may need to rely on FEMA or a combination of FEMA/SBA assistance.  Last week’s DOH announcement provides contact information for both agencies.  The FEMA “initial applicant briefing” is the key step in determining which combination of funding best fits the PNP’s circumstances.  

Further details are also available on NYS Office of Emergency Management Web site under “What’s New” - Disaster Assistance and Resources

It is critical that any impacted provider start this process as soon as possible.

Contact: Patrick Cucinelli, pcucinelli@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8827.