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E-Prescribing Update

Mandatory regulations requiring e-prescribing for all medications were to become effective on March 27, 2015.  LeadingAge New York and other associations were able to seek a one year delay in implementation.  However, mandatory e-prescribing is set to go into effect in March 2016.

LeadingAge New York recently sent out a survey to nursing home members to determine their readiness for the March 2016 implementation. Of the 76 members responding, 32 members said that they do not have a system ready and may not be in compliance by the March 2016 deadline. We have also been talking with Adult Care Facility (ACF) and assisted living members in regional meetings, and the e-prescribing process is already problematic for those that are already using the system. 

Many of the same implementation problems noted in 2015 still exist. In the nursing home, not having an electronic medical record, a problem with the integration of the e-prescribing system and the current medical record, access to the medical record by prescribers, on-call coverage after hours, and communication to the nursing staff were consistently mentioned as problems. The issues are much the same for ACF/assisted living providers. For those that are working with physicians are prescribing electronically already, they are struggling to obtain the proper paperwork from the physician to document a medication change, and provide an order for a new medication to be provided to the resident. Since ACF and assisted living providers are less likely to have integrated electronic systems, and rather work with a variety of physicians and pharmacies, the solutions are more complicated.

As part of our 2016 Public Policy Agenda, LeadingAge NY is evaluating a number of possible remedies to the mandatory e-prescribing requirement. We continue to seek member input on this issue and will keep members informed of any legislative actions.

Contact:  Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832 or Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828