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DOH Releases Revised Quality Pool Scores

DOH has posted revised 2013 nursing home quality pool score sheets on the Health Commerce System (HCS).  The corrections that have been made to the original results may have shifted some homes into a different quintile.  The areas of review or correction include the contract agency staff measure, timely filing of cost reports, three quality measures and the exclusion related to fraud and abuse.  The Dear Administrator letter provides more information on each.  The outline of the methodology for the 2013 NH QP is here and instructions on how to interpret your facility’s one-page report can be accessed here.  The DOH email announcing the posting is copied below.   

Please review your revised score sheets and let DOH and/or us know if you have questions.  The state is still awaiting final CMS approval of the quality pool Medicaid state plan amendment so the timing of rate adjustments related to the quality pool is uncertain.  Key pieces of information that would allow homes to estimate their quality pool award amount are not yet available either but we hope to receive them soon.  

Contact:  Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841    


The New York State Department of Health (Department) released the results of the 2013 Nursing Home Quality Pool (NHQP) last month; however, four issues were discovered with the results that needed to be addressed.  The changes required have been made and the 2013 NHQP results have been revised.  The revised results have been posted to the Health Commerce System (HCS).  These revised results may differ from the original scores you received.  The four issues and any changes made to the methodology are addressed in the attachments.

There are three attachments to this email. The first attachment is the Administrator letter and it provides clarification on the revisions and instructions on accessing your facility's one-page report.  The second attachment outlines the methodology for the 2013 NH QP and the third attachment provides instructions on how to interpret your facility’s one-page report.

The Department will be publicly releasing these results in the near future and will make the dataset available on Health Data NY.

Raina Josberger

Nursing Home Quality Pool BML
New York State Department of Health
Office of Quality and Patient Safety
(518) 486-9012