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DOH Notice on Hurricane Irene Payments

November 28, 2012 - Notice on Last Year’s Hurricane Irene Final Payments

Dear Administrator/Controller,

The Department has finalized the reconciliation process to reimburse nursing homes for Medicaid patients received during the Hurricane Irene emergency evacuation.  This reconciliation has been based upon the survey information submitted by the various nursing homes. We apologize for the delay; however we wanted to ensure every facility was included in the reconciliation process.

The reimbursed amount was developed based upon the submitted survey and the reported number of Medicaid patients received from another facility multiplied by the downstate nursing home rate of $250.76 then multiplied by the number of days the patient was at the receiving facility. Please note that the number of days that patient was at the receiving facility was determined using daily census concept (day of arrival or day of departure was counted, not both).

The payments will be added to the weekly Medicaid checks for cycle 1841, check release date of 12/19/12.  If you have any questions or require assistance, please email your questions to the bpacr@health.state.ny.us mail box or call 518-474-3352 and ask for Jane Casale or Haseeb Agha of my staff.

Thank you very much; your continued cooperation is appreciated.


John W. Gahan Jr
Bureau of Primary and Acute Care Reimbursement