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DOH Makes NH Quality Pool Correction

DOH has discovered an error in how the Percent of Long Stay Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury measure of the nursing home quality pool was calculated. DOH has corrected the error and has re-issued the quintile ranking. The correction improves the quintile rank of 15 homes. It would have reduced the rank of 19 homes, but DOH will NOT be reducing the ranking of these homes-- they will remain in the quintile assigned in December 2013. This correction makes no change to the quintile assignment of any homes other than the 15 that improved. The Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) announcing the correction is available here. The updated alphabetized ranking of homes is available here and the corrections are reflected in the detail posted on the DOH Health Data page and available on the LeadingAge NY Data Page.

Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841