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DOH Issues Letter on Discharge Transfer

NYSDOH has issued a Dear Administrator Letter, DAL NH 15-06, reminding nursing homes of their obligation under the regulations to issue a "Notice of Discharge" for both long-term or sub-acute residents in the event of any discharge or transfer. 

The DAL states that residents who are temporarily hospitalized should be allowed to return to the facility following hospitalization, without regard to payment source, and with or without bed hold. In the absence of bed hold or in the case of expired bed hold, the resident must be admitted to the next available semi-private bed. Hospitals are not acceptable final discharge locations.

In the case of residents with what DOH terms "acting out behavior", who are sent to hospitals for treatment, the nursing home is responsible to readmit the resident and/or develop an appropriate discharge plan. In these cases, the hospital is not considered to be the final discharge location. With imminent danger transfers, the facility is required to hold the bed for the resident.

Contact:  Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832