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CMS Issues Updated RAI Manual v 1.11

The most recent updated MDS manual with change tables can be located at the CMS MDS 3.0 web page

The following corrections were made to the RAI Manual v 1.11:

  1. The flowchart “ADL Self-Performance Algorithm,” which describes the algorithm for ADL function items in Chapter 3, Section G (page G-7), and the accompanying change table
  2. Coding examples in Chapter 3, Section O (page O-33)
  3. A change table page incorrectly transcribed from Chapter 3, Section O (page 3)

The clarifying information related to the use of the ADL algorithm in Section G, page G-7, is a reminder that the algorithm only applies if the rule of three applies for activity occurring at multiple levels.  This coding application was discussed as part of the May 2013 updates.  

Contact:  Michelle Synakowski, msynakowski@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8850