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CMS Issues Survey and Certification Letter on Culture Change

SUBJECT: CMS Issues Survey and Certification Letter on Culture Change
ABSTRACT: CMS responds to questions on culture change and regulatory compliance.

Legacy DocID# 32112614

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a Survey and Certification Letter (S&C 07-07) that responds to inquiries from nursing homes concerning compliance with nursing home requirements in nursing homes that are changing cultures and adopting new practices. The letter covers a variety of health care and life safety issues. In addition, CMS has provided a summary of an earlier question and answer session held with leaders of the Green House Project. A November 3, 2006, CMS culture change broadcast entitled, From Institutional to Individualized Care Part One: Integrating Individualized Care and Quality improvement, may be viewed at http://cms.internetstreaming.com/courses/.

The S&C letter can be accessed directly:


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