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CMS Issues Guidance on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Nursing Homes

Recent guidance from CMS, S&C 14-01, requires all Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) and Nursing Facilities (NFs) to ensure that a qualified individual who can perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation is always available, and that every resident is permitted the opportunity for resuscitation if he/she chooses to have CPR performed.  Facilities may not designate themselves as a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) facility. 

Residents must be assured the right to formulate advance directives and may request to have CPR performed in all nursing facilities.   Qualified staff, trained and certified in CPR, should always be available, should a resident require the initiation of CPR.  Facilities must have written information about the resident’s choices related to advance directives.  Staff should be educated to ensure that the record is checked for the most current, accurate physician orders related to the performance of CPR anytime a resident is found to potentially need resuscitation.

Historically, some facilities have expericienced challenges in ensuring that the same information related to advance directives is represented in multiple locations.  It is advisable to have a process to ensure accurate, up-to-date information is available and in accordance with the facilities written policies and procedures related to advance directives.

Contact:  Michelle Synakowski, msynakowski@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8850