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CMS Extends Comment Period on Proposed Nursing Home Regulations

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has extended the comment period for the proposed reform of the Medicare and Medicaid Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities to Oct. 14, 2015.  The original comment period was due to expire on Sept.15, 2015.  This extension is unusual and may reflect the large number of comments that CMS has already received.  In addition, the volume and the depth of the changes being proposed clearly indicates that more time is needed to adequately respond to the proposed changes.  This additional time creates an opportunity for members to comment on the proposed regulations that will significantly affect how long-term care will be provided.

On Aug.17, 2015, LeadingAge New York held a conference call with members to outline the proposed changes.  The PowerPoint presentation from that call summarizes a number of the changes.

Based on member comments following the call and input from the LeadingAge New York Nursing Home Cabinet meeting held on Sept. 10, 2015 a letter was prepared summarizing LeadingAge NY concerns about the proposed changes.  We will share this letter with members once it is finalized.  We are currently working on estimating the costs associated with implementing the new requirements.  The costs of implementation may be more significant than what CMS has suggested.  While we will provide a response from LeadingAge NY, we feel it is critical for members to respond individually based on how they feel that the proposed regulations will impact on resident care in their organization. 

Member comments may also be sent directly to CMS.

Contact:  Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832