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CMS Announces QM Report Retention Changes Coming to QIES System

From CMS:

The retention time period for the MDS 3.0 Facility-Level Quality Measure and MDS 3.0 Resident-Level Quality Measure Preview reports will be changing. These automatically-created preview reports are currently stored in each nursing home's shared facility folder for a period of 230 days. Effective Nov. 1, 2016, the above mentioned preview reports will only be stored in the shared facility folder for a period of 90 days.

The report retention time period change affects the following:

1.     Any new MDS 3.0 Facility-Level Quality Measure and Resident-Level Quality Measure Preview reports saved into each nursing home's shared facility folder after Nov. 1, 2016. These new reports will be retained for a period of 90 days following the date the report was added to the folder.

2.     Any existing MDS 3.0 Facility-Level Quality Measure and MDS 3.0 Resident-Level Quality Measure Preview reports with a create date older than 90 days prior to Nov. 1, 2016 will be automatically deleted from the system.

Action: Facilities are encouraged to print or save a copy of the MDS 3.0 Facility-Level Quality Measure and MDS 3.0 Resident-Level Quality Measure Preview reports prior to Nov. 1, 2016. Any reports not printed or saved prior to the retention period time change will be permanently deleted from the facility shared folder if the date the report was added to the folder is older than 90 days.

Note: These reports cannot be recreated once they have been deleted. The report retention time period change does not affect the MDS 3.0 Five Star Preview reports.

Contact: Kathy Pellatt, kpellatt@leadingageny.org; 518-867-8848