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CMS Announces Infection Control Focused Survey Pilot

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released a memorandum, S&C 16-04-NHto state survey agency directors in regards to a three year pilot project. The pilot project is looking to improve assessments in regards to infection control measures, as well as to evaluate infection control regulations in the nursing home, hospital settings and during transitions of care.

CMS has identified that nursing homes have one to three million serious infections each year. These include urinary tract infections, diarrheal disease, and infections caused by multi-drug resistant organisms. It has also been identified that infections are a major cause of hospitalizations and death. This data along with lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak, identified a need to assess the infection prevention efforts between hospitals and nursing homes.

For fiscal year 2016, CMS has planned 10 infection control pilot surveys to be conducted in nursing homes and will be completed by a national contractor. These surveys are planned to be educational and deficiency-free, unless immediate jeopardy situations are identified. For fiscal year 2017 and 2018, the surveys are planned for both, the nursing home and hospital settings.


Contact: Nancy Truland, ntruland@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383