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Character and Competence Review

Department of Health (DOH) and the Public Health and Health Planning Council (PHHPC) are examining the current Certificate of Need (CON) process, and in particular the Character and Competence review that is undertaken as part of the Certificate of Need (CON) process. The Department has reached out to LeadingAge New York for input on how the process could be improved. While we do not anticipate a change to the ten year retroactive review period, we sense, based on discussions with DOH, that they may be contemplating a more in-depth look at the nature and frequency of violations and other factors such as the changes of ownership and affiliations with other health care providers/organizations.

LeadingAge NY is looking for member input with respect to their experience with the CON process and for any suggestions to improve the timeliness or outcomes of the current Character and Competence review process.

Contact:  Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832