CMS Training Videos on New Survey Guidance Available
On June 29, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced changes to survey guidance (State Operations Manual (SOM)) that will take effect on Oct. 24, 2022. A previous Intelligence article outlined some of the changes, many of which further clarify previously issued regulations and add more specific language to existing guidance. Members should review in depth their existing policies so that they align with the new guidance and should provide training to familiarize staff with the changes to the guidance and regulatory expectations.
CMS has issued a number of training videos and slides that members should find useful in training and preparing for the guidance changes. There are 19 training videos and slide presentations covering many of the areas where CMS has made changes to the guidance. One area to note is the changes to Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation guidance, a major focus of CMS. A sample CMS abuse reporting and investigation form is provided at the end of the video list, as well as a link to SOM Appendix PP. Changes to guidance appear in red.
Contact: Elliott Frost,, 518-441-8761