Nursing Homes Sought for Study Testing New Online Dementia Care Communication Training Program
The University of Kansas School of Nursing is seeking nursing homes nationwide to participate in a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research study testing a new online version of the evidence-based Changing Talk (CHAT) communication training program.
CHAT educates staff about reducing elderspeak (infantilizing communication) and results in reduced behavioral symptoms and need for psychotropic medication for residents with dementia. The new online version (Changing Talk: Online Training (CHATO)) consists of three one-hour interactive online modules that provide flexible and accessible access for staff.
There is no cost, direct care staff can earn three contact hours, and all staff receive a Certificate of Completion for their file.
Benefits include:
- A person-centered approach;
- Education about elderspeak and better communication strategies;
- Reduction in resistiveness to care and other behavioral symptoms in residents with dementia;
- Reduction in the need for psychotropic medication;
- A convenient, online educational format for busy nursing homes;
- Qualification for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) dementia care training hours requirements; and
- A free, nonpharmacological, evidence-based intervention is an excellent addition to a Quality Improvement Plan.
For more information and to discuss this opportunity further, please contact Carissa Coleman, PhD, research assistant professor, University of Kansas School of Nursing, at 970-270-6839 or