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Don't Miss Out: Submit Survey, Get Free Salary Report!

Compensation questions are among the most common ones posed by members. Robust participation in the nursing home salary surveys LeadingAge NY conducts every two years has enabled participants to have access to valid, regionally-specific data. More than half of the non-profit and public homes participate. Be among those that take advantage of this valuable, free benefit of membership by returning the survey by Thursday, June 27. This will enable us to provide you with the compiled results by the fall budgeting season. The report provides data on 35 management and non-management positions. 

If you submitted the LeadingAge-endorsed national HCS salary survey earlier this year, just submit the same completed form to us - no need to fill out another form! 

Sample pages from the most recent report can be viewed here. Access the survey form here.

We thank those who have already submitted their surveys and urge all members to take part!

Contact:  Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841