DOH Posts Social Adult Day HCBS Settings Rule Webinar and Resources
The Department of Health (DOH) has posted the recording and slides from its Dec. 9th webinar on compliance with the social adult day care (SADC) self-assessment process under the federal Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule. Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plans and SADC sites are required to complete, and plans are required to submit, self-assessments by Dec. 30, 2021. The recording and slides are available here under MLTC Policy 21.05.
In addition to making the webinar materials available, the Department provided the following reminders and instructions via email to MLTC plans and SADC providers:
- Completing Self-Assessment Tool:
- Please read all instructions provided on page one of the Self-Assessment tool before completing.
- SADC sites should complete the Self-Assessment tool for each Partial Cap and/or MAP Plan (line of business) and location. For example, a site that contracts with one MLTC at two locations to provide SADC services to both MAP and Partial plan enrollees at each will need to complete 4 assessment tools.
- SADC sites should include individual membership totals (“Number of HCBS Waiver Clients Served at the Setting”) for each line of business and location on each Self-Assessment tool.
- If SADC site is reporting “closed/no members” to their MLTC plan, the site should still complete the tool and write the site's status in the comment field for question #1 in the SADC site section 2 table (beginning on page 5). In addition, sites must indicate (in the comments field) if the site is fully or partially closed, as well as if the closure is permanent or temporary with a description of why (e.g., COVID-related) by line of business. Both MLTC plan and DOH will validate the site’s contracting status with the MLTC plan in Phase II via the MLTC plan’s PNDS submission. When those SADC sites prepare to “reopen,” those sites are required to meet and have all HCBS SADC standards validated BEFORE re-opening.
- Per the Self-Assessment tool instructions all “Yes” and “No” answers require a comment. The instructions include:
- “If answering “No” to a question, thereby potentially demonstrating a lack of HCBS Rule compliance, please provide a brief explanation as to why in the far-right “Comments” column and any remediation efforts in progress. If answering “Yes”, provide a brief explanation in Comments as to how to demonstrate compliance.”
- Tool Submission and Due Dates:
- SADC sites must submit each individually completed Self-Assessment tool back to their MLTC contracted plans. The tool should remain in Word Doc format and should not be converted to PDF. PDF versions will be returned to MLTC plans by DOH and considered not submitted. Only the Word Document format can be collectively merged for analysis by DOH.
- SADC site must submit individual completed Self-Assessments back to each MLTC plan by the December due date communicated by the plan.
- MLTC plans submit all completed individual SADC Self-Assessments back to DOH via HCS along with the Aggregated Results (Plan Aggregated Results Template is forthcoming) back to NYS DOH by Dec 30, 2021.
Questions about this process should be submitted here.
Contact: Karen Lipson,, and Meg Everett, Both can be reached at 518-867-8383.