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Uniform Assessment System for MLTC

The Department of Health (DOH) has issued an update on the Uniform Assessment System – New York (UAS-NY) entitled:  What the Statewide Implementation Plan of the UAS-NY Means for Your Organization.

The statewide implementation of the UAS-NY consists of three concurrently-executed plans as follows:  

  • Pilot Implementation
  • Managed Long Term Care Implementation
  • Balance of State Fee-for-Service (FFS) Programs Implementation

Having begun in mid-March, the Pilot Implementation is the first live use of the UAS-NY. The four counties involved in the 2012 UAS-NY beta test, Broome, Chautauqua, Otsego, and Warren, are now in the Pilot.

Under the provisions of the Managed Long Term Care Implementation, all MLTC plans statewide have begun preparing for using the UAS-NY effective July 1, 2013.  As of this date, all MLTC assessments will be performed using only the UAS-NY.  DOH is advising the following:

  • If you are a Managed Long Term Care Plan (PACE, MAP, PCP), you are included in this implementation and are expected to transition according to the plan.
  • If your organization conducts assessments for a Managed Long Term Care Plan (for example as a sub-contracted Licensed Home Care Services Agency), you are included in this implementation and are expected to transition according to the statewide plan in order to conduct assessments for the MLTC plan’s members.

The DOH guidance also provides detailed information on the Balance of the State FFS Programs Implementation.  All impacted providers should be carefully reviewing this guidance.

Contact: Patrick Cucinelli, pcucinelli@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8827