April 1st CDPAP Transition Nears
(March 11, 2025) The Department of Health (DOH) is urging all stakeholders to help support the Department’s efforts to educate consumers and caregivers participating in the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) that they need to register with the State’s single Fiscal Intermediary (FI) prior to April 1, 2025. Legislation adopted last year consolidates the work of hundreds of agencies that performed payroll duties for CDPAP personal assistants into a single entity, PPL. Personal assistants who do not register with PPL by March 28th risk paycheck delays.
An overview of the program and information on the transition are available on the PPL website and the DOH CDPAP website. In addition, DOH has developed the following marketing materials to help educate individuals about the transition:
- CDPAP Registration Flyer
- CDPAP Registration Flyer ES (Spanish-Language Version)
- What to Know About: Differences Between CDPAP and Personal Care Services (PCS)
The program serves roughly 300,000 individuals and in recent years has been one of the fastest-growing long term care services across the state, partly due to health care staffing shortages. The majority of those served through CDPAP are members of Medicaid managed care plans, especially Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plans. These plans, along with a number of other stakeholders, have been expressing concerns that the short timeframe for a transition of this magnitude could cause disruptions since the timeline was first announced.
The PPL customer support line is 1-833-247-5346, the website and online portal is available here, with a list of physical locations available here. Questions regarding the transition can be directed to StatewideFI@health.ny.gov.