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Operations and Marketing

Operations and Marketing

DOH Distributes MLTC Quality Incentive Methodology

The 2020 measures and scoring will remain largely consistent with prior years.

December 31, 2019

Operations and Marketing

DOH Announces Slight Changes in MLTC Plan Quality Measures

At the annual meeting of the MLTC Plan Quality Work Group, DOH announced the suspension of an encounter data compliance measure for 2019, the resumption of the ER visit quality measure for 2019, updated diagnosis codes for calculating potentially avoidable hospitalizations for 2020, and a new performance improvement plan compliance measure for 2020.

November 11, 2019

Operations and Marketing

Fiscal Intermediary Workgroup Completes Work

Final meeting reviews consumer transition issues but culminating discussion is cut short.  

August 12, 2019

Operations and Marketing

DOH Posts CDPAS Templates

Templates that MLTC plans are required to use when a CDPAS FI ceases to be a network provider are now available.

August 6, 2019

Operations and Marketing

DOH Seeks Comments on Draft Community First Choice Option Guidance

The draft guidance describes the authorization process and dollar caps on CFCO Community Transitional Services; Moving Assistance; Home Delivered Meals; and Skill Acquisition, Maintenance and Enhancement services.

July 23, 2019

Operations and Marketing

CDPAS FI Workgroup Discusses Quality, Selection Criteria

At the third Fiscal Intermediary Workgroup meeting, participants continued to review suggestions that stakeholders submitted to DOH.

July 15, 2019

Operations and Marketing

DOH Presents Update on MLTC Value-Based Payment Quality Measures

A measure related to emergency room utilization was restored to the list of Category 1 quality measures for MLTC plans.

July 2, 2019

Operations and Marketing

Fiscal Intermediary Work Group Focuses on Best Practices and Roles of FIs

The second meeting of the Fiscal Intermediary Work Group focused on stakeholder feedback concerning best practices and the proper roles and responsibilities of fiscal intermediaries.

July 1, 2019

Operations and Marketing

MLTC Plans Instructed to Submit Patient Attribution Files by Aug. 1st

The Patient Attribution Files represent plan members served by specified providers for purposes of calculating performance on quality measures.

June 18, 2019

Operations and Marketing

May 2019 Medicaid Renewal Mailing Delayed in NYC

DOH has notified plans that May renewal packets are expected to reach beneficiaries in June.

June 11, 2019
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