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LeadingAge New York Comments on FIDA Demonstration


Based on member feedback, LeadingAge New York submitted comments to DOH on the dual  eligible demonstration proposal, which are provided as an attachment to this memo.

Background on Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Advantage Program

DOH has posted a  proposal for public comment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid  Services (CMS) Innovations Center for a demonstration project that would provide all Medicare  and Medicaid physical health care, behavioral health care, and long term supports and services
through a fully­capitated managed care model. The three year demonstration would take place in 
the Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, and Westchester counties. Enrollment would be phased, with dual eligibles that are enrolled in the Managed Long Term  Care program being passively enrolled for January 2014, and all remaining full dual eligibles being passively enrolled for January 2015. The demonstration, entitled the Fully Integrated  Dual Advantage (FIDA) plan, is likely to have a major impact on service delivery for dual  eligibles downstate, and probably the rest of the state in the years to come. DOH states the intent to expand the service area to other parts of the state in the future in the proposal. Click here to access a recording of the webinar DOH conducted explaining the initiative, and here for more information.

Based on the member feedback we received, LeadingAge New York submitted comments on the proposal, which are provided as an attachment to this memo.


We will keep members apprised of the developments on this important initiative. If you have  any questions or comments, contact Patrick Cucinelli at pcucinelli@leadingageny.org or Diane  Darbyshire at ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org. Both can be reached by phone at 518­867­8383.