DOH Calls for Social Determinants of Health Innovations
The New York State Department of Health (DOH), Office of Health Insurance Programs (OHIP), Bureau of Social Determinants of Health is launching a new initiative to identify innovative ideas to effectively address the Social Determinants of Health for Medicaid members across New York State. Social Determinants of Health are defined as the structural conditions in which people are born, live, grow, work, and age, and addressing them can have a significant impact on health outcomes at a much lower cost than medical interventions.
The five categories of Social Determinants of Health are the following:
- Education
- Early childhood education and development
- High school education
- Enrollment in higher education
- Language and literacy
- Social and Community Context
- Social cohesion
- Civic participation
- Perceptions of discrimination and equity
- Incarceration/Institutionalization
- Health and Healthcare
- Access to healthcare, entering the health system
- Access to primary care/trusted provider
- Health literacy
- Neighborhood and Environment
- Affordable/Quality Housing
- Environmental Conditions
- Access to healthy foods
- Crime and violence
- Economic Stability
- Poverty
- Housing security and stability
- Employment
- Food security
- Transportation
The intent of this ‘Call for Social Determinants of Health Innovations’ is to solicit input from interested parties across the state and around the country. Innovations will be reviewed by a team of healthcare experts identified by DOH. Innovations will be evaluated on the following criteria: (1) potential return on investment; (2) scalability; (3) feasibility; (4) evidence-based support for innovation; (5) relevance to the Medicaid population; and (6) speed to market (how quickly the strategy could be launched).
Top innovations will receive special recognition, and all innovations, with the consent of the submitting organization, will be shared publicly by DOH. Later this fall, DOH will host a Social Determinants of Health Innovation Summit that will allow the applicants with the best solutions to pitch their product or idea to a panel of expert judges and audience members. At the summit, winners of each category will be honored with a Social Determinants of Health Innovation Award.
While there is no funding from the State available for this initiative, it is a chance for innovative companies and organizations to receive exposure to key healthcare decision makers including, but not limited to, healthcare providers, Managed Care Organizations, and DSRIP Performing Provider Systems. The following entities are eligible to apply:
Community-based organizations;
Technology solution organizations;
Healthcare providers;
Any organization with an innovative solution to address Social Determinants of Health.
The deadline for applications is June 29, 2018 at 5 p.m., and the application is available here. Questions may be sent to
Contact: Sara Neitzel,, 518-867-8835