HCR to Hold Public Comment Hearings in January
To participate in certain federal community development and housing programs, the State of New York must prepare a 5-year Consolidated Plan and an annual Action Plan, and provide opportunities for citizens to participate in its development. As part of this process, the State will conduct public hearings to obtain the views on the housing and non-housing community development needs.
The Consolidated Plan and the annual Action Plan focus principally on four federal programs: the New York State Community Development Block Grant Program; the HOME Investment Partnerships Program; the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program; and the Emergency Solutions Grants Program.
The annual Action Plan will describe the State’s planned use of federal Fiscal Year 2016 funds to address the needs identified by its five-year Consolidated Plan and further the Consolidated Plan’s objectives, and will also describe the State’s methods for distributing these funds.
In-person and/or written comments at public hearings will be acepted on Thurs., Jan. 15, 2015 and Fri., Jan.16, 2015. On Jan. 15, the first public hearing will be held from 10 a.m. until 11a.m., and the second from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. On Jan. 16, the first public hearing will be held from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m., and the second from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. At these dates and times, hearings will be held concurrently at the following four New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal offices: 641 Lexington Avenue in New York City; 38-40 State Street in Albany; 620 Erie Boulevard West in Syracuse; and 535 Washington Street in Buffalo. If needed, more time will be made available at each public hearing.
Each site is accessible to individuals with mobility impairments. Every effort will be made to accommodate persons with other special needs. Individuals who seek additional information regarding the hearings may call DHCR’s toll-free number, 1-866-ASK-DHCR (275-3427).
Space may be limited in some locations: persons planning to attend a hearing are encouraged to pre-register by calling 1-866-ASK-DHCR (275-3427) or sending an e-mail to HCRConPln@nyshcr.org. Speakers will be limited to five minutes of testimony. Attendees must present a driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID upon entry.
Individuals who are unable to attend may submit comments to NYS HCR, Attention: Alison Russell, 38-40 State Street, Albany, NY 12207, or e-mail them to HCRConPln@nyshcr.org. Written comments must be received no later than Thurs., Jan. 29, 2015. E-mail comments must also be sent by this date.
Contact: Ken Harris, kharris@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8835