HCR Summer 2021 Multifamily Finance 9 Percent LIHTC RFP Available Now
New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) has released the Summer 2021 Multifamily Finance 9 Percent Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Request for Proposals (RFP). Applications under this RFP must clearly advance at least one of HCR’s state housing goals, which include housing preservation, community renewal and revitalization, integrated supportive housing, housing opportunity, workforce opportunity, state revitalization and economic development initiatives, public housing redevelopment, and senior housing.
An anticipated $6 million in funding is available for the Senior Housing Program. The Senior Housing Program is targeted at developing rental housing that allows low-income seniors to age in place and live independently in their homes and communities.
The deadline to submit applications under the RFP is Aug. 26th at 11:59 p.m. Other relevant deadlines are outlined here.
A separate Section 8 Project Based Voucher RFP has also been released.
Contact: Sara Neitzel, sneitzel@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8835