New: FIDA FAQs for Home Care
On Thurs., April 23, the Department of Health (DOH) shared the latest document from DOH/Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) Demonstration for home health providers.
DOH released it to all participating FIDA Plans and has posted it on FIDA MRT 101 website, the FAQs can be found here.
Highlights from the four page FAQs include:
- can I continue to see my clients who join a FIDA plan even if I am not participating? Yes, for a limited time and explains the continuity of care provisions;
- how home health providers can join a FIDA plan network; and
- will home health providers still be required to complete OASIS documents, complete/obtain face-to-face documentation, and follow Medicare coverage documents? Note - "Nothing in the FIDA program changes the Medicare certification requirements for home health agencies. Any HHA seeking Medicare certification is required to meet the Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoP) prior to certification. This includes compliance with the OASIS." In the FAQs it continues by clarifying as with a Medicare Advantage plan, a FIDA Plan's authorization for home health services may substitute for the Original Medicare face-to-face certification requirement for the authorization of home health care services. In certain circumstances, FIDA Plans are not required to follow Original Medicare documentation requirements for the provision of Medicare-covered services, but may substitute methods they deem appropriate for ensuring that the services provided are medically necessary, so long as they are not more restrictive than the coverage standards that apply in Original Medicare."
Contact: Cheryl Udell,, 518-867-8871