DOH Posts, Holds Webinar on Home Care Provider Medicaid Rates
The Department of Health (DOH) issued a Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) and corresponding communications last week regarding the posting of Personal Care (PCS), Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), and Pediatric Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA) providers' initial 2022 Medicaid rate calculation sheets (for Jan. 1, 2022; April 1, 2022; and Oct. 1, 2022) on the Health Commerce System (HCS) website.
In addition, the Department communicated that the initial rate posting for PCS and CDPAP had some formulation issues, and they will repost after correction. Please check back to the HCS to see those corrections.
Lastly, DOH hosted an informational webinar on the calculation and certification of the initial 2022 Medicaid rates on Tues., May 2, 2023.
Please see the DOH communications below:
It has been brought to our attention that there is a formula issue in the regional ceiling calculation of the Personal Care and CDPAP rates. In light of this, we will be updating rate sheets and re-posting to the HCS, and we will be updating the timeframes for appeals based on the new date of release.
The Department had concerns over the initial calculations, which led to this release and appeal process instead of the standard EmedNY loaded rates process. If there are other issues identified, please bring those to our attention as well.
We will still be holding the webinar, to walk through the process, and will be back in touch with updates.
Dear Administrator:
This is to notify Personal Care, CDPAP, and Pediatric CHHA providers that the initial 2022 Medicaid rate calculation sheets (for January 1, 2022, April 1, 2022, and October 1, 2022) are now available on the Health Commerce System (HCS) website.
Please review the attached letter in its entirety. The Department will accept appeals and adjusted cost reports within the 90 day appeal period. The deadline to certify rates or file an appeal via the web-based Cost Report Tool is the end of business, July 31, 2023. Failure to certify or appeal during the 90-day appeals period will result in the current rates being finalized, and no further adjustments will be accepted.
To further assist providers with understanding the rate development process and to answer any questions they may have, the Department of Health will be hosting an informational webinar on the calculation, rates certification or appeal processes, on May 2, 2023, at 9 a.m. A Webex invitation will be forthcoming.
Attachments to DAL:
1. 2022 Home Care Initial Rates DAL
2. Attachment A - January 1,2022 Rate Sheet Templates
3. Attachment B – Instructions to Access the 2022 Notice Rates Posted to the Health Commerce System
4. Attachment C – Appeal and Certification Guidance
Additional documents attached to email communication:
Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Blank PCS Rate Sheet
LeadingAge NY will connect with the Department to obtain a recording of the webinar.
Contact: Meg Everett,, 518-867-8871