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CDPAP Transition to Single Fiscal Intermediary Launches

(Jan. 7, 2025) The transition of the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) to the single statewide fiscal intermediary (FI), PPL, is moving forward with the launch this week of the PPL support center. CDPAP consumers and their personal assistants may begin to transition their services to PPL as of Jan. 6th. PPL will be reaching out to consumers on a phased regional basis, and managed care plans will be sending notices to their members about the transition over the next several weeks. The transitions are expected to be complete by March 28th.

Over 30 "facilitator" organizations, including the 11 Independent Living Centers, will assist consumers and their personal assistants with the transition. The outreach timeline, list of CDPAP facilitator organizations, frequently asked questions, and more information are available here.

The transition process involves many interconnected components. At the same time, the statewide FI procurement and various aspects of the transition are being challenged in several lawsuits. LeadingAge NY will keep members updated as the transition unfolds.

Contact: Karen Lipson, klipson@leadingageny.org