RFA Issued for Regional Resource Development Center Administration of NHTD/TBI Waiver Programs
The Department of Health (DOH) has issued a Request for Applications (RFA) to identify and contract with qualified not-for-profit agencies as Regional Resource Development Centers (RRDCs) to assist DOH with the administration of the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) waiver programs. A copy of the RFA can be viewed here.
According to the RFA, approximately $9.073 million will be available per year for the local administration of the NHTD and TBI services. The funding will be approximately $4.24 million for NHTD services per year and $4.83 million for TBI services per year. The resulting contract(s) will be awarded for a five-year period and are expected to begin May 1, 2019 and end April 30, 2024. The total funds expected to be made available over the entire 60-month period are approximately $45.365 million. The RRDC contracts will be awarded for 10 regions as single or multiple region contractors or a single statewide contractor covering all New York State counties.
Eligible applicants must:
- be prequalified in the New York State Grants Gateway, if not exempt, on the date applications are due;
- be a not-for-profit organization;
- have three years’ experience in NHTD, providing services to seniors or people with disabilities, and/or TBI services; and
- have sufficient ADA compliant facility space to host meetings and training sessions.
The NHTD and TBI waivers are Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) 1915c programs that provide a community-based alternative for eligible adults who require an institutional level of care but have chosen to receive care in their homes. The two waivers enroll individuals 18 years of age or older who, considered as an aggregate group, can be served appropriately and at less cost than institutional care in a community setting.
Key RFA Dates:
- Letter of Interest/Intent Due: Sept. 24, 2018
- Questions Due: Sept. 26, 2018
- Questions, Answers, and Updates Posted: Oct. 15, 2018 (on or about)
- Applications Due: Nov. 1, 2018 by 4 p.m.
Contact: Meg Carr Everett, meverett@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8871