NHTD/TBI Webinar on the Transition to Managed Care
Last week, the Department of Health (DOH) conducted a webinar on the transition of the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Medicaid waiver plan into managed care. This follows the release of a “draft” NHTD/TBI transition plan that we had reported on earlier in the month. DOH has requested that comments on the transition plan be submitted before Aug. 24th. Your comments can be submitted electronically to: waivertransition@health.ny.gov.
LeadingAge NY and our members were involved in an earlier version of a “draft” transition plan to CMS. We had several opportunities to revise the plan before it was to be submitted to CMS; however, with the change in the transition date as a result of this year’s final budget, that transition plan was put on hold. The new date for the transition of the waivers to managed care is scheduled for January 2018.
Please note the webinar slides that include:
- the new State Plan Amendment for Community First Choice Option (CFCO), which details the current waiver services being covered under CFCO;
- waiver services available as “Enhanced Benefits”;
- the role of the Regional Resource Development Center (RRDC) with managed care organizations;
- continuity of care provisions for both participants and waiver service providers;
- stakeholders' involvement in the transition process;
- managed care readiness and network capacity;
- how managed care members must have a person-centered plan that is consistent with the federal HCBS regulations; and
- how managed care plans must have policy and procedures on critical incidents and other quality assurance components.
DOH will be posting a summary of all the public comments received on the transition plan online.
Contact: Cheryl Udell, cudell@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8871