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DAL Issued Regarding LTHHCP Monthly Expenditure Caps


Long Term Home Health Care Program Members


Anne Hill, Community Services Policy Analyst


April 3, 2009


DAL Issued Regarding LTHHCP Monthly Expenditure Caps


Administrators, Program Directors

ABSTRACT: DOH posts LTHHCP monthly expenditure caps.

A Dear Administrator letter (DAL) from the Department of Health (DOH) has been issued notifying monthly expenditure caps for the Long Term Home Health Care Program (LTHHCP). These caps were calculated, by county, based on the January 1, 1992 Medicaid reimbursement rates for nursing facilities trended into 2009. The 2009 monthly expenditure caps are effective immediately and should be used for all subsequent LTHHCP assessments and reassessments.

For your convenience, the DAL is attached to this memo. The DAL provides a list of allowable monthly expenditure caps per patient by county and by level of care.

If you have questions regarding the calculation of these caps, please contact Gary Crucetti at DOH at 518-473-8910.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this memo, contact Anne Hill at 518-449-2707, ext. 141, or at ahill@nyahsa.org.

N:\NYAHSA\Policy\ahill\LTHHCP\4.1.09 DAL LTHHCP Expenditure caps.doc


DAL Issued Regarding LTHHCP Monthly Expenditure Caps

2009 Monthly Expenditure Caps
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DAL Issued Regarding LTHHCP Monthly Expenditure Caps

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