DOH Seeks Input on Enhanced HCBS FMAP for Waiver Services Providers
The Department of Health (DOH), Office of Health Insurance Programs (OHIP), is inviting Nursing Home Transition and Diversion/Traumatic Brain Injury (NHTD/TBI) waiver services providers to meet on Fri., May 28, 2021 from 2 to 2:45 p.m. to discuss a letter sent by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on May 13, 2021 to state Medicaid agencies regarding additional support for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) during the COVID-19 emergency. The document provides an overview of potential reinvestments of the enhanced federal support for HCBS, as authorized by Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
After providing an overview of the guidance, OHIP will seek input from providers and organizations regarding ways that the Medicaid program may best be able to use these funds to support, enhance, and strengthen existing HCBS programs and services. Feedback from providers may include items outside the recommended list but must follow the guidelines outlined in the letter. OHIP will then consider this input in preparing the required submission to CMS on or before June 12, 2021.
Members are encouraged to register for this meeting here.
Contact: Meg Everett,, 518-929-9342