Electronic Visit Verification Going Live Jan. 1, 2021
Medicaid providers of Personal Care Services (PCS), on their own or through their selected vendors, should be in the final stages of completing the attestation process for engaging in New York State's Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirement, which goes live Jan. 1, 2021. See DOH's comunication issued today, here.
The Department of Health (DOH) is implementing statewide EVV data aggregation through eMedNY. Providers must ensure that required data elements are submitted to eMedNY in the specified format in order for the record to be successfully passed into and stored in the eMedNY system.
Providers subject to EVV and the vendors they contract with to provide the service should review the following to learn how to successfully submit EVV data to DOH:
The EVV Technical User Guide details how to get started with submitting the EVV record, and the ICD contains the technical specifications required to create the EVV record.
Information about New York State EVV requirements, policies, and the required EVV Attestation can be found within the EVV Program Guidelines and Requirements document posted to the EVV website.
The link to complete and electronically sign the EVV Attestation is forthcoming and will be provided, once available, via the EVV LISTSERV® and EVV website.
Providers should join the EVV LISTSERV® at listserv@listserv.health.state.ny.us to remain up to date on additional policy guidance and attestation requirements. Please include the following in the body of the email sign-up request: "SUBSCRIBE EVV-L FirstName LastName."
More information can be found in the following:
Questions should be directed via email to EVVHelp@health.ny.gov.
Contact: Meg Everett, meverett@leadingageny.org, 518-929-9342