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  6. » Reminder: Input Needed for the 2015 White House Conference on Aging

Reminder: Input Needed for the 2015 White House Conference on Aging

For those who would like to participate in the "New York State Information Gathering to Inform the White House Conference on Aging," the listening forums start this week on Thurs., March 26 and Fri., March 27, across the State.   

As previously reported, the White House held a "Conference on Aging" each decade since the 1960s to identify and advance actions to improve the quality of life of older Americans. The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) and its partners, the Association on Aging in New York and AARP New York, are collecting information and recommendations from a broad community of stakeholders to share with the 2015 White House Conference on Aging (WHCoA) scheduled for July 2015.

During a webinar on Wed., March 4NYSOFA discussed the purpose of the conference, the four major themes of this year’s conference (retirement security, healthy aging, long term care services and supports and elder justice) and the process by which they will be soliciting recommendations from New York State stakeholders. 

There are two primary ways for interested stakeholders to provide their input:

  1. Directly to the WHCoA – http://www.whitehouseconferenceonaging.gov/
  1. Through New York State via: a) a survey tool posted on the website of the Association on Aging in New York from now until Wed., April 15; and b) participating in one of 5 regional recommendation forums being held on Thurs., March 26 and Fri., March 27 throughout the State. On March 26, the regional forums will be held in NYC, Albany and Erie county. On March 27, they will be held in Long Island and Onondaga county.

For more information about the conference and how to participate, go to either the White House website or the Association on Aging in New York’s website. Slides from the March 4 webinar are available here.

Contact: Linda Spokane, lspokane@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8857 or Cheryl Udell, cudell@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8871